The Fourth of July season always fills us all with patriotic feelings about the United States. These feelings are not confined to the native born Americans but also to immigrants who are residing here as lawful permanent residents, a/k/a “green card” holders. The below uplifting story describes how on this past Fourth of July, the United States celebrated by swearing…
Pennsylvania And New Jersey
Client Success Story
Trust your immigration matter to an income tax form service?
So, H&R Block is now offering immigration form services. This is what the tax return company has to say: “*Hiring an immigration attorney can be costly, depending on the complexity of the case, the reputation of the law firm and its geographic location. Prices can be $2,000 to file a relatively simple I-765 petition, or application for employment authorization. H&R…
Common legal question: Can I present an affidavit as evidence at trial?
Occasionally, we will post an article addressing common questions that lay people have about the practice of law. There’s no need to be ashamed about having these questions! After all, the practice of law is very complicated. That’s why lawyers go to law school first and should spend at least a few years when they are new lawyers working under…
We are proud to sponsor Pints for North Light
For the fourth straight year, The Law Offices of Peter L. Johnston, L.L.C. will be a sponsor of Pints for North Light to benefit the North Light Community Center in the Manayunk section of Philadelphia. The big night is Thursday, November 20, 2014 from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.. Sample some great beers from several regional brewers and some delicious…
How traffic tickets may raise your insurance and how we can help
One of the worst things about getting pulled over and receiving a traffic ticket is that it can affect your automobile insurance in a bad way. According to, the worst traffic tickets can raise your insurance premium by as much as an astonishing 93%. Specifically, the generally worst types of traffic tickets raise your rates as follows: *Driving under…
Good lawyers (and judges) keep criminal justice system honest
It should definitely be stated that most police officers are honorable public servants. Unfortunately, there are rogue officers who act as the law unto the themselves and do not testify truthfully on the witness stand, as recent Federal indictments in Philadelphia have shown. It takes good, dedicated attorneys (and judges) to ensure that the system stays honest in order to…
Philadelphia Immigration Attorney Peter L. Johnston helps Uzbekistan native to immigrate
Philadelphia Immigration Attorney Peter L. Johnston helped an Uzbekistan native finally become a United States citizen. Peter represented the Client in a removal hearing and assisted him in obtaining lawful permanent resident status.
Law Offices of Peter Johnston Support North Light Community Center
Law Offices of Peter L. Johnston LLC are a sponsor of the annual North Light Community Center’s “Pints for North Light” fundraiser which will be held Thursday, November 15, 7:00 p.m. at the River Club Manayunk Brewery Restaurant, 4120 Main Street in Philadelphia. Pints for North Light will feature: Beer Tasting, Great Food Samplings, and a Silent Auction. The public is invited to…
Philadelphia Immigration Attorney Commends Obama Administration
Philadelphia Immigration Attorney Peter L. Johnston, Esquire commends the Obama Administration for today’s decision. The decision refrains from seeking the removal of young, illegal immigrants who were brought to the U.S. by their parents – and who have since lived productive and law-abiding lives. These young immigrants should be on the road to citizenship. If you or anyone you know…
Philadelphia Car Accident Attorney Comments on Texting and Driving Accidents
Texting and driving has become a major problem in the United States. In order to combat cellphone induced accidents, Pennsylvania governor Tom Corbett signed a law that will make texting while driving illegal on March 8, 2012. Even though texting and driving will soon be illegal in Pennsylvanian, cellphone distractions can still lead to many accidents. Texting and driving is…