Part 3 of 5-part series, prepared by Peter L. Johnston, Esq., Philadelphia DUI Lawyer
If you are a first-time “Driving Under the Influence” (DUI) offender, there may be an avenue available to you which prevents the imposition a guilty verdict, jail time or a lengthy suspension. Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition, or A.R.D., is a highly beneficial program, if you can get into it.
A.R.D. is a diversionary program in which the first-time DUI offender is permitted to serve a period of probation and attend to certain other costs and conditions. If the program is completed successfully, the case against the defendant is withdrawn, leaving him or her without a criminal record and eligible for expungement of the arrest. A.R.D. is given at the discretion of the district attorney and its gant is not guaranteed. If you are a first-time DUI arrestee, it may well be worth requesting.