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Your Rights as a Motorist in PA, Part 3: Policy Types – Limited Tort or Full Tort

On Behalf of | Mar 24, 2011 | What's New |

Part 3 of 4-part series, prepared by Peter L. Johnston, Esq., Philadelphia Car Accident Attorney

Should Pennsylvania drivers purchase an automobile insurance policy that is limited tort or full tort? Limited tort policies do cost less money. However, almost any attorney who practices personal injury law will strongly recommend that you purchase a full tort policy. The reason for this is that limited tort policies only allow to collect damages from another party for out of pocket costs and injuries that create a “serious impairment of a bodily function.” This is a very stringent standard which is difficult to overcome in court and typically requires a very serious injury. On the other hand, a full tort policy will allow you to pursue a claim for any kind of damages.

Tomorrow I will address underinsured or uninsured coverage.