The Legal Experience You Need In
Pennsylvania And New Jersey

Client Success Story

Peter L. Johnston, Esquire represented a Philadelphia man who the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation claimed was ineligible to receive a driver’s license on account of him having multiple and fraudulent licenses and sought to revoke his privilege to drive. His client actually did have multiple licenses, one of them fraudulent, more than fifteen years earlier when he was younger, less wise and less responsible. Mr. Johnston traveled with his client from Philadelphia to Harrisburg for his client’s hearing and convinced the Department that client’s actions were the result of his youthful indiscretions and produced considerable evidence that since getting a legitimate license, he has been responsible and safe driver and a good, responsible member of the community who holds a valuable position of employment with a major Philadelphia university. Agreeing with him that his client was entitled to be extended the privilege of driving in Pennsylvania, the Department allowed him to keep his license.

If you or someone you know has a problem with their driver’s license contact us at 215-567-2300 or by email to discuss ways in which we may be able to help you.