The Legal Experience You Need In
Pennsylvania And New Jersey

Client Success Story

Peter L. Johnston, Esquire successfully represents a Philadelphia man who was injured in an automobile accident in while he was driving in Delaware County.  The other driver was also from Philadelphia, so Mr. Johnston was able to bring suit on his client’s behalf in a Philadelphia Court.  Unfortunately, his client had a limited tort automobile insurance policy which required that he suffer an serious impairment of a bodily function in order to recover for pain and suffering, a very difficult hurdle to overcome, especially in his case since the ongoing problems were difficult to document and further substantiate.  In recent years, courts and juries, even in Philadelphia, have become increasingly stingy in terms of finding that accident victims have suffered serious impairments of bodily functions.  Nevertheless, Mr. Johnston was able to convince an arbitration panel to award his damages for his significant unpaid medical bills and Mr. Johnston, in turn, was able to convince the providers to accept a significantly compromised amount in satisfaction of said bills.  In the end, despite having a limited tort policy and a challenging evidentiary hurdle to overcome, his satisfied client was able to receive some compensation for his injuries despite his limited tort policy.

If you or someone you know is injured in an automobile accident due to someone else’s negligence, please contact us today by telephone at 215-567-2300 or by e-mail to discuss your case and your possible right to recover.