The Law Offices of Peter L. Johnston, LLC

The Law Offices of
Peter L. Johnston, LLC

How do I keep my family member in the United States?

What if, however, your relative or loved one is already in the United States but on a temporary visa, or what’s officially called a Non-Immigrant Visa? Depending upon their relationship to you, there may be a solution called as Adjustment of Status which allows some aliens in this situation to change — or adjust — their status from non-immigrant to immigrant and get a Permanent Resident Card, more colloquially known as a “green card”.

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Criminal defense of minors differs from defense of adults

This morning’s Philadelphia Inquirer has in interesting look at a day in juvenile court in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. ( See, ).  Juvenile courts, a branch of family courts, handle cases which arise when minors are arrested and accused of committing criminal acts. The same rules of criminal procedure apply in juvenile criminal cases.  Minors who are accused of criminal acts and tried in juvenile court are afforded almost all of the same rights that adults have, with the exception of a right to a jury trial (a juvenile charged as an adult in certain extreme cases does have a right to a jury trial).  However, where the focus of adult courts is on punishing those who are found guilty of crimes, the focus in juvenile court is on “treatment, rehabilitation and supervision” with the hope that the wayward youngster can be encouraged to grow up on the right path.  Juvenile courts are more advantageous to defendants than adult courts as the long-term penalties are less harsh and the programs afforded to juvenile delinquents can be very beneficial as they often result in them completing their education and gaining valuable life skills.  For that reason, when a juvenile is charged as an adult, it is not uncommon for the accused to seek to have the case “decertified” as an adult case and returned to juvenile court.

Regardless, in either type of court–adult or juvenile–you need competent counsel representing you and counsel who understands not only criminal procedure but how, when someone actually is guilty, to advocate for the best, most beneficial sanction for both the defendant and society.  Here at the Law Offices of Peter L. Johnston, L.L.C., we have extensive experience in handling both adult and juvenile criminal matters.  If you know someone who needs help in an adult or juvenile case, we will provide you with competent and diligent representation.  Simply contact us so that we can set up an appointment to meet and get started on your defense.